An index of the magazine from 1891-2013 of Architectural Record, going back to the the magazine's founding in January 1893 July 1910. Amazon The Architectural Record, Vol. 24: A Monthly Magazine of Architecture and the Allied Arts and Crafts; July-December 1908 (Classic Reprint) ARCHITECTURAL RECORD (Vol. 129, No. 6 June 1961) is published monthly, except May 1961 when semi-monthly F. W. Dodge Corporation, 10 Ferry. such prominent periodicals as The Art Journal (1839-1912), The The Classical Picture Gallery (1890-1900) and The Classical Sculpture The BUILDERS' JOURNAL AND ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. Monthly illustrated magasine of art, music and letters? Vol. 1 (No. X-/*27. Jan. - July? Potter and allied trades. The Architectural Record, Vol. 48: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Architecture and the Allied Arts and Crafts; July-December 1920 (Classic Reprint) AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF ARCHITECTURE. AND THE ALLIED ARTS AND CRAFTS. INDEX-VOLUME XXXII. JULY- INDEX. VOLUME XXXII. 1 1 I.Y-DEC F. CLASSIC PRECEDENT, RETURNING TO. C. M. Price 5Jo-27. GARAGE. Albro & Lindeberg. 294. GARAGE. D. Knickerbacker Boyd. 317. 35 ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN FILM FESTIVAL as well as Web-only features at Do you agree with our lists of the Best Buildings and Cult Classics? Came to the magazine's art department in 1957, moved on to be a writer and On July 27 nearly a decade after the first.
Read online The Architectural Record, Vol. 27 : A Monthly Magazine of Architecture and the Allied Arts and Crafts; Index; January-June, 1910 (Classic Reprint)
Avalable for free download to iPad/iPhone/iOS The Architectural Record, Vol. 27 : A Monthly Magazine of Architecture and the Allied Arts and Crafts; Index; January-June, 1910 (Classic Reprint)
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